Only a few $99 ounces of SUPER LEMON HAZE LEFT

SLH IS UP FOR $99 AND IT'S STRAIGHT FIRE! ... emon-haze/
Super-Lemon-Haze-Strain-buy-super-lemon-haze-strain-online-in-canada-at-supherbs-1.jpeg (89.45 KiB) Viewed 2065 times
Type of Weed


Strain THC %

Aroused, Creative, Energizing, Euphoria, Happy

Medical Benefits
Chronic Pain, Depression, Fatigue, Headaches, Migraines, Nausea, Stress

Strain Lineage
Lemon Skunk, Super Silver Haze

Candy, Citrus, Lemon, Sweet, Tangy

Strain Terpene Profile
Caryophyllene, Limonene, Linalool, Ocimene, Pinene, Terpimolene

Super Lemon Haze is an award winning sativa-dominant hybrid strain that took home first place in the Medical Sativa category at the 2014 Seattle Cannabis Cup.

It’s a blend of Lemon Skunk and Super Silver Haze, and it has a sativa/indica ratio of 80:20.

That means heady, peppy, cerebral effects: arousal, creativity, energy, euphoria, and intense happiness. These make for ideal tools in treating depression, fatigue, anxiety, nausea, and chronic pain.

THC levels soar in the Super Lemon Haze strain, with at least one sample topping 25%, and that puts Super Lemon Haze near the top of the potency pyramid. But it isn’t known for its CBD levels, which regularly test well below 1%. In other words, this strain shouldn’t be used as the only medicine for conditions that respond to CBD, such as seizure disorders.

Buy Super Lemon Haze Online in Canada
- Free 1/8th With your First Order Using Code BESUPHERB
- Free Joint With Every Order You Place
- Super Lemon Haze Canada Delivery (2-3 Business Days)
- Super Lemon Haze Calgary Same Day Delivery (1-2 Hour Arrival)
- Real Staff Standing By 10am - 8pm Daily: (587) 317-6872
Canada Weed Delivery - Free 1/8th with your first order using code BESUPHERB. Free joint with every order. 2 hour or less Calgary deliveries | Supherbs on MOMINDEX