Package Missing

Hey people just a question. I made an order with a reputable mom on the 31st of May with a tracking number provided on the 1st. I have ordered from this mom monthly for about 6 months with no problems with tracking at all. I go to put in the number this time and it says " Please try again later we are awaiting tracking info from the carrier", weird, but i decided to wait 4 days just to see if it would show up. It didn't. June 6th I make a ticket and they try to trace it and tell me to let them know when the status changes. Tell me it could take a few hours or a week. It will be a week tomorrow now and still nothing. Has this happened to anyone else and if so how did it turn out?

Re: Package Missing

Canada Post are real good at losing packages. Sometimes they end up returning to sender, sometimes they do make it to destination but with delays (weeks is not uncommon), sometimes they are forever lost.

In any case, any reputable MOM would handle trying to locate it with CP and if it's really lost, they should send the order again or offer a full refund. Those who don't are not worthy of our money.

Re: Package Missing

redeyedcanuck wrote: Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:59 pm Tomorrow has been a week since the trace was started by the mom. Just wondering if a trace has ever found someone's order before? If so how long did it take? If not how long should i wait till i contact the mom again?
You should definitely contact the moms again now and let us know how they proceed.

Re: Package Missing

msa wrote: Thu Jun 14, 2018 10:12 am
redeyedcanuck wrote: Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:59 pm Tomorrow has been a week since the trace was started by the mom. Just wondering if a trace has ever found someone's order before? If so how long did it take? If not how long should i wait till i contact the mom again?
You should definitely contact the moms again now and let us know how they proceed.
I emailed the mom and asked if we could move to the next step in this process but they told me they have to wait till they have confirmation from Canada Post on what has happened to the first package before they can issue a re-pack. Has anyones package showed up after two weeks??

Re: Package Missing

Hopefully the mom will take care of it from there. This has happened to be before and the package ended up showing up without Canada post updating the system at all and the package showed undelivered. But I was in contact with the MOM the whole time and they were about to send another package. Because of my honesty with the package showing up the MOM gave me some freebies next order!! Every MOM I've used has been super awesome in that aspect for sure :)

Re: Package Missing

Well it's coming up on three weeks now and the mom is still refusing to re-send. I have been in contact the whole time but they are getting short with me. Like I said I ordered monthly from this mom for like 6 months with no problem(other than a wrong product but was dealt with easily enough) with tracking, number always worked( I know this doesn't mean much but...) and for this number to never have worked at all( I know still doesn't mean much) I'm thinking maybe they forgot to send it...I don't know maybe just grasping at straws cause it really messed up my meds.

Re: Package Missing

Naming isn't always shaming. If it's a reputable MOM as you say then likely more of us in this community use them too. How many others might order and run into the same predicament that could be avoided. Sparing a business' feelings after they've been giving you the run around just seems weird to me.

Re: Package Missing

a month's worth of waiting is inexcusable. greenz has been around long enough to know CP messes up on the regular.
with the array of sites you can by from at this point, it just seems silly not to send a new package after something like 2 weeks without updates from CP, in order to keep a regular customer. i moved on from greenz due to price reasons but something like this would turn me off their business as well. not their fault but regardless i believe it's part of the risk they must assume in this market

Re: Package Missing

redeyedcanuck wrote: Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:19 pm So after going on Discord and mentioning my problem I got a dm from @Tom_Greenz and it all got worked out. They didn't seem to understand why their customer service was making me wait either since on their website it says five days(which I didn't see anywhere).
Glad you got it working out.

Re: Package Missing

redeyedcanuck wrote: Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:19 pm So after going on Discord and mentioning my problem I got a dm from @Tom_Greenz and it all got worked out. They didn't seem to understand why their customer service was making me wait either since on their website it says five days(which I didn't see anywhere).

Good Times , hope they pad your order for making you wait in limbo so long, policies are polices..