CANseries - The Green Ace - RaptorFan93
Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 2:47 am
Hi all,
Welcome to the fifth post of the CANseries. Starting out I thought even one post was going to be a lot. Todays review has a lot of strains so I'm going to keep it short on the introduction. I was glad that I got try a lot of new strains and product grades thanks to todays company.
If you have seen the site banner, you must've noticed The Green Ace. The Green Ace is a Canadian company out of BC which supplies a wide variety of cannabis products. I got in touch with the company over a personal message and was offered a sample package in lieu for a review. I took a look at their website and it was easy to access. Everything is categorized (check out their 3D product displays) and the grades were more or less fair in my opinion. My only suggestion would be an option to sort the flowers by grade. The customer service was good - my messages were answered with in 24 hrs. I received my package with in 2 days. I was sent 8 strains to review - more to follow below.
To me TGA is a great option at the price point - some of the strains offered good potency while the others fell flat. I would rate most of the products I received in the AA+ to AAA+ range, I would recommend TGA to anyone that wants to get a lot of variety and does not want to break the bank. Their first time purchase 3.5g freebie + the mix and match Oz. seems like a really attractive option. If I were still in University, I would be collecting money from my group of friends to get this deal.
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Products - All the strains burned a dark grey ash and were mostly harsh with the exception of Ice Wreck and Pink Kush which gave a light grey ash. The Ice wreck was certainly the best in terms of bag appeal but had a mint flavor and it felt like smoking a menthol. So my ranking in descending order is as follows: Pink Kush, Death Bubba, Ice Wreck (would be 1st if I liked mint), Pink Deathstar/Death Glue, Strawberry Punch, Pink Bubba and Purple Dream. The Pink Kush and Death Bubba are good value buys at the listed price according to me.
Pink Kush: Death Bubba: Ice Wreck: Pink Deathstar: Death Glue: Strawberry Punch: Pink Bubba: Purple Dream: Reviewed - Cloud 29, Coastal WildFire, The BH.Othority, Dr. Quad
Next Up - Cannabud_supply, Three Trees Cannabis, Sacred Garden Collective, DHO Medicinal, The HighClub and hopefully many more.....
Welcome to the fifth post of the CANseries. Starting out I thought even one post was going to be a lot. Todays review has a lot of strains so I'm going to keep it short on the introduction. I was glad that I got try a lot of new strains and product grades thanks to todays company.
If you have seen the site banner, you must've noticed The Green Ace. The Green Ace is a Canadian company out of BC which supplies a wide variety of cannabis products. I got in touch with the company over a personal message and was offered a sample package in lieu for a review. I took a look at their website and it was easy to access. Everything is categorized (check out their 3D product displays) and the grades were more or less fair in my opinion. My only suggestion would be an option to sort the flowers by grade. The customer service was good - my messages were answered with in 24 hrs. I received my package with in 2 days. I was sent 8 strains to review - more to follow below.
To me TGA is a great option at the price point - some of the strains offered good potency while the others fell flat. I would rate most of the products I received in the AA+ to AAA+ range, I would recommend TGA to anyone that wants to get a lot of variety and does not want to break the bank. Their first time purchase 3.5g freebie + the mix and match Oz. seems like a really attractive option. If I were still in University, I would be collecting money from my group of friends to get this deal.
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Products - All the strains burned a dark grey ash and were mostly harsh with the exception of Ice Wreck and Pink Kush which gave a light grey ash. The Ice wreck was certainly the best in terms of bag appeal but had a mint flavor and it felt like smoking a menthol. So my ranking in descending order is as follows: Pink Kush, Death Bubba, Ice Wreck (would be 1st if I liked mint), Pink Deathstar/Death Glue, Strawberry Punch, Pink Bubba and Purple Dream. The Pink Kush and Death Bubba are good value buys at the listed price according to me.
Pink Kush: Death Bubba: Ice Wreck: Pink Deathstar: Death Glue: Strawberry Punch: Pink Bubba: Purple Dream: Reviewed - Cloud 29, Coastal WildFire, The BH.Othority, Dr. Quad
Next Up - Cannabud_supply, Three Trees Cannabis, Sacred Garden Collective, DHO Medicinal, The HighClub and hopefully many more.....