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Trippy Treats - SE * Kushstation * June

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 2:40 pm
by DB420
Brand - Trippy Treats - Special Edition by Cannamo Canada

Visual/Texture - these little translucent gems are quite visually stunning, with a textured build, and a very distinct pot leaf in the middle of each mold. Three distinct colors to identify the flavor backing each one. Fresh, super soft, with each piece measuring quite identical in size and stature

Flavor - each flavor distinguished easily by the color its suited with. Yellow brandishing a peach flavoring, Pink sporting a Strawberry taste, and Green gripping that Apple. Delicious tasting, the variety was on point, and there was no gross flavor while downing or to be left lingering afterwards.

Potency - the tin has housing a dozen of these colored candies, an evenly distributed 4 of each for conveniently sharing. Each gummy of 20mg, I split the 240mg contents with the wife.  After 45 mins the high commenced with a heavy eyed, blissful euphoria, and completely elevated mood enhancement. A steady stone that will guarantee a solid night sleep, which is why these are perfect for later evening


Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 3:37 am
by 420hubs