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Why Use Lecithin?

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 5:59 pm
by Sameal
So I have some extra weed this month and have been thinking about trying edibles. I stumbled upon a blog with a whole bunch of recipes. What caught my eye is that lecithin is highly recommended in some of their recipes. Other than being an emulsifier is there any other added benefit to adding lecithin? I just don't want to use my weed to make sub par edibles because i'm missing one ingredient. The specific recipe i'm referring to is ... ed-butter/

Re: Why Use Lecithin?

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 8:17 pm
by chefhobson86
what do you want to know its a simple ingredient can get it at bulk barn and some grocery stores in most processed chocolate its an emulsifier its also used in lots of restaurants to make things like foams and fun things.

Re: Why Use Lecithin?

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 10:08 pm
by HansSprungfeld
It increases bioavailability. Basically helps your body absorb the cannabinoids rather than passing them right through.