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thehighclub sample review

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 11:41 am
by Afta
MOM Name dont mistake it with highclub, 2 different moms! this review is for et highclub sont 2 mom's different! ce review est pour

Overall rating out of 10:an easy 8.5/10 .i did get more then enough to review, around 10gs, 5x2g samplers. missing a solid 1 , found some seeds, and .05 off because a bit dry.

Facilement 8.5/10 . je enleve 1 point car jai retrouver des seed with .05 c'etais un peu sec!

Sign Up: easy and discreet, everything is encrypted! the best part... no id to upload!! :D

tres facile et vite,pas besoin de photo rien!

Ordering & Pricing:
They offered some sample if i could post a review here ! prices are decent, has some 100oz up to.300 oz for some crazy exotic.! well worth the prices!

il m'on offert des echantillons en retour de mon review. les prix varies entre 100$ jusqua 300$(pour de lexotic)

Communication: very prompt, guy is always on discord most of the time,shoot him up a dm, he will get back pretty quick!!!

tres facile a rejoindre si vous etre sur discord!sinon un petite couriel et il vous repondra aussitot!!

Packaging: came in a small white box, with 5 different strain invidually sealed,no smell nothing!
came 2 days from bc to qc!
recu une boite blanche, de bc a qc sa pris seulement 2 jours!!recu 5 sac fermer a l'air ,auncune odeur rien! excellent!

Products / Photos:
BCD blue city diesel
my fav out of the 5! this baby will be your best smoke to date! very nice diesel/ blueberry smell!it's listed near 300/oz well worth the price on this! a true quad in my book!!

de quelle beauter le bcd est!! sens tres bon!!diesel avec des bleuets!! hmmm!! sa vaut tellement le prix a quoi il est afficher! je recommande a tout ceux qui on une tolerance elever!!

WW white widow
nice smell on this ww!makes me remind of my first time smoking!! nice happy high!! good smell of cedar coming trough when you squeeze the nug!! a lovelly day strain!

tres bonne strain pour le jour! fume sa et tu va netoyer laver etc!tres bon gout depinette !! bon buzz piur te tiendre aller!! resineux !!

GSC girl scout cookies
now this gsc has got mothing on me! lol very nice smell and totally not a knock off gsc that lot of mom has! dense nug covered in crystal! great smoke and great buzz!!

quelle belle beauter quand tu trouve un vrai de vrai gsc!! belle odeur!! resineux et brule tres bien! pour le prix je le recommande!!

Moby Dick
i was a virgin of the moby dick!! lol! now that i busted it, wow nice strain!!nice psychedelic effect, good hybrid ! less indica and more sativa wich i prefer! nice earthy/pine smell

moby dick est une hybrid du bord de sativa.. cest pas pour les debutants! tresbon gout !! brule bien! je le recommande!


good flower after taste!in my past exp this strain is a hit or miss, now this one did have seeds(about 4in 2gs) but the buzz will knock you out, very strong indica buzz!

tres belle odeur de fleur quand on le fume! jai trouver 4 seeds dans 2g . tres fort comme indica pas pour les debutants!

Incentive for Customers:
more oz you buy better%off you get!up to 35%after 3 oz!!owner is very friendly!

Incentive for Review:
5 samples bag of around 2g each !

i highly recommend ! i'm a a budget smoker, so these 100oz wich i know can be hit or miss, but i know anything from thehighclub is a hit for sure! it's a new mom but well trusted!! very discreet and safe to order!! got a problem, hop on discord and he will fix it asap!
Je le recommande a tous! tres bon services! bon prix et shipping est tres vite quoi plus a demander?!

ps: i'm french, hence the double review,sorry for spelling had to do this on my phone!