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Kootenay Craft: Living Soil Chocolate Japan

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 6:02 am
by thinkbach
Kootenay Craft
: ordered a few times, love the weed

details ordering & pricing
: easy sign-up, $50-off first-time buyer bonus
: free shipping $140 and over
: shipped in a bubble sealed envelope
: weed comes in plastic containers with generic labels and a boveda inside

Living Soil Chocolate Japan ... ate-japan/
: rich fresh-smelling buds
: opened the jar, yum-yum
: green fresh-looking buds loaded with crystals
: the stone is strong, heavy
: at 90% sativa with 25% thc, it delivered; heavy head-lock, strong focus
: despite how heavy this is the creative focus is intact and pleasurable; graceful and complex perceptions in slo-mo spontaneously arise!
: compared to other 90% sativa weeds it’s hard to tell differences, but they are there: this one might be softer in some ways; the tingling is everywhere, but the chest jumpiness is muted by the heaviness blanket
: less of the teeth-grinding energy some sativas have, more a relaxed focus; couple of hours in and it’s growing on me
: been smoking some other stuff for a few days now, milder stuff, was looking forward to a heavy-hitter to hammer my head, and i have to say this does the job
: lots of persistent focus energy with a kind of sleep-walk sedative feeling; a curious swingy balance; bit racy, but focused, chatty, but mellow
: thing of beauty

second day
: lots of talk going on about how amazing the weed is
: keeps everyone focused and bopping along
: great daytime functioning weed with a heavy blanket of mellow
: easy to drift despite the buzz
: supremely good for meditation involving light energy and visualizations
: not psychedelic, but definitely a lot of depth
: one of the better ones of its kind
: smooth; smooth but heavy stone, smooth smoke, smooth smell and aroma
: did I mention fresh?
: love this weed

few days in:
: definite cerebral productivity bias to this high
: moments of discombobulation, but pleasant
: excellent for energy meditations in sitting-qigong style
: superior for internal detached perspective when allowing energy to flow etc.
: feeling of out-of-body within the body is precise and a great enhancement
: excellent strength for quick-hit followed by 45 minutes of technical think-work rhythm, all day, or until nap, then resume
: has a come down which prompts a nap, but the nap refreshes and the focus energy is there on waking
: long-lasting effects with a nice strong energy push at the start of the come on
: builds nicely over a day in a heavy way but not too overwhelming

: this weed strikes a balance for me between fresh and crafted but also quite hard-hitting in the sativa range
: high thc of 25% means it’s heavy, but the 1% cbd probably balances it somewhat
: the kind i’d like to always have on hand for mental effort work comfort
