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TheGreenVault MKU Oct 2019

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 3:47 pm
by Mpulse
Mom review:


Bag Appeal: 9/10 Very oddly shaped nugs, dense, coated, orange hairs coming through
Smell: 8.5/10 Earthy, peppery, with a little bit of citrus.
Process: 9/10 Breaks apart beautifully, easily grinded, burns white.

Another heavy hitter from TGV, I wasn't able to find the exact strain ratio through my research but it's definitely and indica-dom. The cerebral effects are definitely there within minutes giving you a nice soothing euphoric high. The real strength of this strain comes in the physical treatment. Shortly after smoking I felt any tension in my body gone as a wave of relaxation started at my head and made it's way to my feet. After I sat down to write while I had no issues writing the review as I do some others i have no desire to get up out of my chair. Very very lazy strain

*EDIT* My legs didn't work when I did get up and I stumbled over on to my dog.
