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Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 7:51 pm
by dooly
freshly posted on wired 3 hours ago
Starting July 1 of this year, distributors and (legal) cultivators have to put their product through testing for heavy metals and bacteria like E. coli and chemicals like acephate (a general use insecticide). That’s important for average consumers but especially medical marijuana patients with compromised health. One group of researchers has even warned that smoking or vaping tainted marijuana could lead to fatal infections for some patients, as pathogens are taken deep into the lungs.
“This is why we have to end prohibition and regulate and legalize cannabis, so that we can develop the standards that everybody must meet,” says Andrew DeAngelo, director of operations of the Harborside dispensary in Oakland.
just to add, i the bottom of the garbage bag order i received from buy low green tasted like metal and gave me dirty high. fuck this, i'm trashing this garbage.
would love to hear from any MOMs for any insight of your awareness and care for health safety in handling/hygienic sense beyond just using "organic" products.
if you only deal (indirectly) with growers, do you and how do you take interest in such standard and procedures? how do you maintain consistency in quality especially in hygiene?
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:19 pm
by SankakuAJB
youre totally right man, its all trash weed and you should just stop ordering it.
clearly all the MoMs are conspiring against you.
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:24 pm
by dooly
SankakuAJB wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:19 pm
youre totally right man, its all trash weed and you should just stop ordering it.
clearly all the MoMs are conspiring against you.
there's difference between having no clear standards. and not even understanding the point of having them- the lack of imagination and repercussions.
reading people like you replying in that manner makes me believe people just don't seem to care enough to address it as an issue. common stoner characteristic if i may label it as.
do you have too much faith on businesses? or are you just another stoner?
trying to change the fucking culture here. holy fuck
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:26 pm
by SankakuAJB
man you must be a man of extremely high intelligence. like a really, really smart person.
Make MoMs great again, only you can save us Supreme Leader Dooly.
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:28 pm
by dooly
SankakuAJB wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:26 pm
man you must be a man of extremely high intelligence. like a really, really smart person.
Make MoMs great again, only you can save us Supreme Leader Dooly.
you are typical you. a hustler and rapper. you're a closed case.
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:37 am
by DankBud
they should do this type of testing in Canada.
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:07 pm
by alscotty
DankBud wrote: Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:37 am
they should do this type of testing in Canada.
they do...there are over 17 labs across canada...if you have a govt license you can send them 8g of bud and $500 for complete testing of potency, metals, mycotoxins, and pesticides...terps and residual solvents are $150 Supra THC Services, and MB Labs Services with The Emerald Test where they test for over 95 different compounds from health canadas list if interested
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:47 am
by dooly
alscotty wrote: Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:07 pm
DankBud wrote: Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:37 am
they should do this type of testing in Canada.
they do...there are over 17 labs across canada...if you have a govt license you can send them 8g of bud and $500 for complete testing of potency, metals, mycotoxins, and pesticides...terps and residual solvents are $150 Supra THC Services, and MB Labs Services with The Emerald Test where they test for over 95 different compounds from health canadas list if interested
what is your point really. sounds like brainwashing to me.
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 9:09 am
by alscotty
dooly wrote: Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:47 am
alscotty wrote: Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:07 pm
DankBud wrote: Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:37 am
they should do this type of testing in Canada.
they do...there are over 17 labs across canada...if you have a govt license you can send them 8g of bud and $500 for complete testing of potency, metals, mycotoxins, and pesticides...terps and residual solvents are $150 Supra THC Services, and MB Labs Services with The Emerald Test where they test for over 95 different compounds from health canadas list if interested
what is your point really. sounds like brainwashing to me.
its called lab point was for dankbud who posted that they should do this type of testing in canada...smh
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 2:31 pm
by dooly
alscotty wrote: Sun Apr 22, 2018 9:09 am
dooly wrote: Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:47 am
alscotty wrote: Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:07 pm
they do...there are over 17 labs across canada...if you have a govt license you can send them 8g of bud and $500 for complete testing of potency, metals, mycotoxins, and pesticides...terps and residual solvents are $150 Supra THC Services, and MB Labs Services with The Emerald Test where they test for over 95 different compounds from health canadas list if interested
what is your point really. sounds like brainwashing to me.
its called lab point was for dankbud who posted that they should do this type of testing in canada...smh
this, seeking health/hygiene standards, is something that should be incorporated into supply chain. you are suggesting extra time and unbudgetable money to do a lab test, portraying it as a viable option. not something low income can afford.
all the fuckers saying that because i paid $130 for oz, and not $10/gram, i should be happy with ingesting pesticide and should not raise interest/awareness for us to tip the scale and demand response/change better for all...... simple minded idiots supporting their gut, attacking me than seeing it as an opportunity for conversation. human all too human.
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 2:43 pm
by alscotty
dooly wrote: Sun Apr 22, 2018 2:31 pm
alscotty wrote: Sun Apr 22, 2018 9:09 am
dooly wrote: Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:47 am
what is your point really. sounds like brainwashing to me.
its called lab point was for dankbud who posted that they should do this type of testing in canada...smh
this, seeking health/hygiene standards, is something that should be incorporated into supply chain. you are suggesting extra time and unbudgetable money to do a lab test, portraying it as a viable option. not something low income can afford.
all the fuckers saying that because i paid $130 for oz, and not $10/gram, i should be happy with ingesting pesticide and should not raise interest/awareness for us to tip the scale and demand response/change better for all...... simple minded idiots supporting their gut, attacking me than seeing it as an opportunity for conversation. human all too human.
ok...maybe if you stop being so defensive and read whats actually posted...I only said that labs do exist in canada...i'm not calling you a liar or looking to argue so dude...please just chill
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 2:54 pm
by gandalfe
If we are to get paranoid about the cleanliness of our weed, then we should start with the air we breathe,food we eat, and water we ingest.Lots of chemicals coming into our bodies and most are not safe.Fluoride,Chlorine, asbestos,Nitrites,Mercury, to name just a few.Our weed is the very least of our worries, even if we think of it, more than other things.............Lab testing is how our Trudeau Liberal Government [with it's wealthy insiders,] get to drive out the smaller growers[that grow the very best weed], and pave the way for mega corporations that are required to lab test everything.I will stick to the little guy's that still understand how to grow decent bud, even though they can't afford to lab test.
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 2:56 pm
by dooly
i'm quite chill alscotty. online and irl, i am the chillest and most aware. i understand that i'm setting myself up as a target but can't more of us fucking Jesus. these human cognitive patterns of these fools are too common and toxic to our times.
yes, i'm bringing it all out to this table, including your gut bacteria controlling your thoughts, your human. ... 134241.htm
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 2:57 pm
by dooly
gandalfe wrote: Sun Apr 22, 2018 2:54 pm
If we are to get paranoid about the cleanliness of our weed, then we should start with the air we breathe,food we eat, and water we ingest.Lots of chemicals coming into our bodies and most are not safe.Fluoride,Chlorine, asbestos,Nitrites,Mercury, to name just a few.Our weed is the very least of our worries, even if we think of it, more than other things.............Lab testing is how our Trudeau Liberal Government [with it's wealthy insiders,] get to drive out the smaller growers[that grow the very best weed], and pave the way for mega corporations that are required to lab test everything.I will stick to the little guy's that still understand how to grow decent bud, even though they can't afford to lab test.
that's stupid and brainwashing. you should not be part of the consensus you ignorant do nothing but follow herd mind.
you're speaking to a growing population/community with little to no awareness and knowledge of the plant. and fuelling idiot veterans to point finger and belittle others to attack/oppose their attitude as opposed to seeing through it as an opportunity for mapping outlines for any standards.
i tie all and anything you say to the bigger picture. you, your level have no chance. not a fucking case.
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:05 pm
by alscotty
gandalfe wrote: Sun Apr 22, 2018 2:54 pm
If we are to get paranoid about the cleanliness of our weed, then we should start with the air we breathe,food we eat, and water we ingest.Lots of chemicals coming into our bodies and most are not safe.Fluoride,Chlorine, asbestos,Nitrites,Mercury, to name just a few.Our weed is the very least of our worries, even if we think of it, more than other things.............Lab testing is how our Trudeau Liberal Government [with it's wealthy insiders,] get to drive out the smaller growers[that grow the very best weed], and pave the way for mega corporations that are required to lab test everything.I will stick to the little guy's that still understand how to grow decent bud, even though they can't afford to lab test.
was going to write something here but dooly is just too hostile, wish the mods would just close this thread
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:09 pm
by dooly
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:13 pm
I can't help but to put in our 2 cents ( I mean five cents ) worth of opinion on weed testing. Costly for one thing !! As a farmer who grows alot of weed, we think testing is another bullshit procedure aimed at giving people some kind of assurance that they are getting what they want or expect. One thing, all costs of production are ultimately passed on to the consumer. testing a small percentage of a crop ( in our case 8 grams would be a miniscule portion of our production and would not represent the whole ). would not mean that what we sell is what you get . This movement towards "standardization" of a plant product is dangerous, to you as a consumer. Do you want all the apples to look and taste the same , this is how monsanto corp and others ultimately gain control over genetics etc. We see differences in same varities in the same crop and harvest time. If you are worried about quality you should form a relationship and trust with the producer or retailer. I can pretty much guess that having all the weed tested is just a method of gaining market share and shutting out other producers. I will agree that quality is somewhat lacking in some of the products we see. I won't consume anybody elses weed unless I know them and are good with their practices. But folks need to ask themselves is price is your only concern or is quality. We have been growing here for over 30 years and have seen alot of shit practices from growers... buddy who had a back run on his ozone generator, bleached the fuck out of the plants and took away all the sugar and smell....nothing a little green dye, coca cola and essential oils couldn't solve. Or perhaps using some avid to get rid of mites, or perhaps a sulphur burner to get rid of a mold problem not too mention the colloidial metals that are in all chemical plant foods. Some folks are quite unscrupulous when it comes to making money...... same thing here ! I would suggest that the lowest price on a product is not a reflection of quality, so if your looking for bargain basement prices you get bargain basement products. As far as weed from Cali. most of it I would not touch without using gloves. after seeing friends that trim down that way getting sick from trimming. Poisioned farm workers again.....suprised, not me.
Cheers Folks and Happy Spring, gotta go and get my hands in the dirt!
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:15 pm
by dooly
alscotty wrote: Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:05 pm
was going to write something here but dooly is just too hostile, wish the mods would just close this thread
your fear of writing is real because i am forcing you to pause and not react and poop bullshit. it's working, but not without side effect like the rest of my efforts here.
acceleration with minimal cost. your efforts toward coercing others/situation to drown me, to comfort you is my cost.
how do you turn a bible beater into a buddhist?
how do you help those who can't stop reflexively reacting, putting out sensory experience to all with not a fucking clue of himself and the world but his ego
watch me.
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:25 pm
by dooly
FARMHARD wrote: Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:13 pm
I can't help but to put in our 2 cents ( I mean five cents ) worth of opinion on weed testing. Costly for one thing !! As a farmer who grows alot of weed, we think testing is another bullshit procedure aimed at giving people some kind of assurance that they are getting what they want or expect. One thing, all costs of production are ultimately passed on to the consumer. testing a small percentage of a crop ( in our case 8 grams would be a miniscule portion of our production and would not represent the whole ). would not mean that what we sell is what you get . This movement towards "standardization" of a plant product is dangerous, to you as a consumer. Do you want all the apples to look and taste the same , this is how monsanto corp and others ultimately gain control over genetics etc. We see differences in same varities in the same crop and harvest time. If you are worried about quality you should form a relationship and trust with the producer or retailer. I can pretty much guess that having all the weed tested is just a method of gaining market share and shutting out other producers. I will agree that quality is somewhat lacking in some of the products we see. I won't consume anybody elses weed unless I know them and are good with their practices. But folks need to ask themselves is price is your only concern or is quality. We have been growing here for over 30 years and have seen alot of shit practices from growers... buddy who had a back run on his ozone generator, bleached the fuck out of the plants and took away all the sugar and smell....nothing a little green dye, coca cola and essential oils couldn't solve. Or perhaps using some avid to get rid of mites, or perhaps a sulphur burner to get rid of a mold problem not too mention the colloidial metals that are in all chemical plant foods. Some folks are quite unscrupulous when it comes to making money...... same thing here ! I would suggest that the lowest price on a product is not a reflection of quality, so if your looking for bargain basement prices you get bargain basement products. As far as weed from Cali. most of it I would not touch without using gloves. after seeing friends that trim down that way getting sick from trimming. Poisioned farm workers again.....suprised, not me.
Cheers Folks and Happy Spring, gotta go and get my hands in the dirt!
while i enjoyed and agree with some of things you said, i will also say
you equating standardization to dangerous is a dangerous propaganda. your worries are no larger than a branch of standardization. i believe humans are conditioned so far to react in the way you did because we have experienced standards as enforcement and breach of our freedom, where we are not part of the design process. today, especially with internet, having more ppl to speak, the dynamics are changing. the times are changing. do remind yourself from time to time. it may do you good.
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:39 pm
by alscotty
FARMHARD wrote: Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:13 pm
I can't help but to put in our 2 cents ( I mean five cents ) worth of opinion on weed testing. Costly for one thing !! As a farmer who grows alot of weed, we think testing is another bullshit procedure aimed at giving people some kind of assurance that they are getting what they want or expect. One thing, all costs of production are ultimately passed on to the consumer. testing a small percentage of a crop ( in our case 8 grams would be a miniscule portion of our production and would not represent the whole ). would not mean that what we sell is what you get . This movement towards "standardization" of a plant product is dangerous, to you as a consumer. Do you want all the apples to look and taste the same , this is how monsanto corp and others ultimately gain control over genetics etc. We see differences in same varities in the same crop and harvest time. If you are worried about quality you should form a relationship and trust with the producer or retailer. I can pretty much guess that having all the weed tested is just a method of gaining market share and shutting out other producers. I will agree that quality is somewhat lacking in some of the products we see. I won't consume anybody elses weed unless I know them and are good with their practices. But folks need to ask themselves is price is your only concern or is quality. We have been growing here for over 30 years and have seen alot of shit practices from growers... buddy who had a back run on his ozone generator, bleached the fuck out of the plants and took away all the sugar and smell....nothing a little green dye, coca cola and essential oils couldn't solve. Or perhaps using some avid to get rid of mites, or perhaps a sulphur burner to get rid of a mold problem not too mention the colloidial metals that are in all chemical plant foods. Some folks are quite unscrupulous when it comes to making money...... same thing here ! I would suggest that the lowest price on a product is not a reflection of quality, so if your looking for bargain basement prices you get bargain basement products. As far as weed from Cali. most of it I would not touch without using gloves. after seeing friends that trim down that way getting sick from trimming. Poisioned farm workers again.....suprised, not me.
Cheers Folks and Happy Spring, gotta go and get my hands in the dirt!
Agreed...and more people should grow their own (not just weed) especially with all of the really amazing autoflowers available these days...except not outdoors in Quebec WTF???
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 4:52 pm
by gandalfe
Dooly sounds like he works for Tweed or one of the other irradiating, crap weed, producers by the way he talks.
Re: Still Buying Illegal Weed in California? It May Not Be as Clean as You ...
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 5:04 pm
by dooly
why do you have such irrelevant and ridiculous options/ideas. this speaks more of you then i, that you're trying so hard to paint and post, seeking validation from others, happy in imaginations that others would imagine more of me being that someone who works for some company, because that makes you happy. what a basic, sadly too common human you are. keep showing yourself, so i can correct you. it may not happen right away but at the least i'm making the whispers you are deficient of in your reality. not only brainwashing but childish