Page 1 of 1 possible exit scam? UPDATE: they were just busy.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:01 am
by syrupbandit
hey guys, new to the community. my first post here but i've been in the discord for almost a month now.

i saw a user post some of their blue city diesel on /r/mompics a while back and it looked like really great stuff. decided to order some from on aug 30th.

there was a note added to my order on sept 2nd letting me know that their team was away for the long weekend and that they will be back later that week processing orders. i didn't receive any shipping notice or tracking info so i emailed them on the 10th, monday of this week, no reply. emailed them again yesterday and still no reply.

i have talked to a few users within the discord community and the general consensus is that i was robbed and probably won't receive anything. i try to give the benefit of the doubt but it even smells like an exit scam to me.

just wanted to let you guys know to be cautious with these guys, at least for the time being.
will update with their reply if i get one.

Re: possible exit scam?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:11 am
by realgrimm
Try faking a big order (maybe behind proxy) diff e-mail and details,you'll know for sure if its a brush off or not if they work to save the sale

Re: possible exit scam?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 12:18 pm
by syrupbandit
great idea! i can't create another account though because i don't have another person's ID to do so. if somebody else wanted to sign up and see if they're quickly to be approved that would be awesome,

or even if somebody with an existing account could shoot them an email to see if they get a response.

Re: possible exit scam?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 12:25 pm
by xsinx
Just send them an email and ask how much a pound of whatever is. If you get a reply, then you know they're ghosting your other emails.

Re: possible exit scam?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:03 pm
by syrupbandit
hey guys, i received a reply from apologizing for the delay. they gave me a tracking number and have noted that they included some extra goodies as an apology.

will post a full review when i receive my order! :)

Re: possible exit scam? UPDATE: they were just busy.

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 4:11 pm
by Asarothrage
Did ya get it yet leemme see that chronic!!

Re: possible exit scam? UPDATE: they were just busy.

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 4:27 pm
by cheapweedca
Glad it got resolved =P