THS The Herbalist Shoppe - should I be concerned?

I made an order yesterday evening at 6pm (Newfoundland Standard Time). I sent a message then, but it said they were offline. Now today, at 4:20pm, it still says they are offline, and my order still shows as "on hold" with no reply to my message, nor tracking number for my order.

Should I be concerned? Sent 340 CAD, and I'm finding it odd that they have been offline since some time before yesterday evening. It says same-day shipping if orders are completed before 12 EST, so I assume I should have received my tracking number by now considering I paid last night?

Should I just call the bank and cancel the payment and order from another MoM? If so, who would have comparable prices? I got 4 oz, 2x 75$ oz + 1 90$ oz + 1x 100$ oz. My need for the order is rather time-sensitive, so even if they are still in business, if they take days to ship I would be better off ordering elsewhere.

Thanks in advance for any replies!
Last edited by anxiyeti on Fri Jul 20, 2018 7:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: THS The Herbalist Shoppe - should I be concerned?

Derailed87 wrote: Fri Jul 20, 2018 4:09 pm Hope it works out for you but I believe it's a different team running THS now. The guy who ran their socialmedia, and I believe the others, started up a new MoM this week.

It has been brought to the admins attention quite a while ago that this chanhe was taking place and they should change THS back to New MoM status as it is an entirely new operation.
I see, I just received an email saying that it's "being processed", but not that my money was received... this was after I got an email saying it was on-hold until payment received.

Email 1:

Your order is on-hold until we confirm payment has been received. Your order details are shown below for your reference:

After placing your order, please send an Email Money Transfer to the following:

Email 2:

Your order has been received and is now being processed. Your order details are shown below for your reference:

After placing your order, please send an Email Money Transfer to the following:

Pretty confusing as to what they are doing over there, or what's actually going on on their end... seemed to me that they're implying it's at the same stage as it was BEFORE I sent payment.

Getting a bad feeling about this.... That email came 2 hours ago, with no follow-up email or tracking number...

How would I find their discord?

Edit: found their discord and added them about a half hour ago, havent accepted my friend request though.

Re: THS The Herbalist Shoppe - should I be concerned?

Do any of you guys think it's possible that the new management/owners/whoever bought the site, might be pulling a fast one? As in perhaps acquiring the site/business knowing its popularity and volume of sales, and now just accepting payment for as many orders as they can without sending any product before people catch on that no product is being shipped out nor emails/messages replied to?

I'm not usually one to assume the worst or worry about ordering from a trusted MoM, but that was prior to my finding out that they switched owners... I've seen and heard of enough similar cons (buying a popular e-business for cheap in order to rake in all their payments without delivering anything) that it gives me genuine concern here as I really can't afford to lose that money, it would be a serious hit to me.

I'm really hoping I'm getting worried over nothing, but the lack of response for more than a day, + the follow up email that came after payment seemingly still implying that I need to pay them, is enough to get me on the over-thinking train to the point of worrying and stressing a bit now.

Thanks to anyone that's bothered to read this far.

Re: THS The Herbalist Shoppe - should I be concerned?

RaNdMViLnCE wrote: Fri Jul 20, 2018 8:12 pm Have they accepted the money yet?

We are aware the MoM is changing hands, and have an email to the management team about re-listing. As far as I know original owners are still in control until Monday coming. But will get some clarification.

Has this MoM accepted your payment already?
If not if I were you I would probably cancel the etransfer until you get answers or just shop elsewhere.

If payment has been taken from you please let us know so we can include that comment in a followcup email to them.

They did indeed accept my money, just before sending me the "Email #2" I pasted into one of my above comments, which also included a notice to "send EMT payment" to them, even though I'd already sent it and it was accepted. Were it not too late by then, I would have cancelled my order for sure. I was talking to one of the original owners (I believe) on Discord after though, and was offered reassurance. It seems he has a good rep around here, and they're making a new site themselves, so I feel fairly assured I'll be taken care of... although my experience was certainly concerning. First time I was worried about an MoM order since my first one.

I will for sure update on Monday if/when my tracking number is received. The guy I spoke to on Discord said he won't be working with them after tomorrow (Saturday), but that the new owners won't screw me, and even if they do, that I could count on him anyways. He said he'd toss in a couple samples on this order for the hassle, plus $20 off my next order.

Gonna trust him as it seems unlikely he'd be dishonest, given that they're starting up their own new MoM site supported by the reputation they've built. Hopefully I'm not wrong.

Re: THS The Herbalist Shoppe - should I be concerned?

I will, I ordered three times before but that was under the previous management apparently. I don't usually get my tracking number until sometime after 9 PM and by then it's already in the mail stream so I'm just sitting tight right now waiting for the tracking info.

Edit: Their system was having a problem sending out tracking info so I emailed this morning and got mine, already out for delivery. :)

Edit again: Got it in the mail